Firefighter Series - Fire, EMS, Rescue, Training

The Jersey Shore Boardwalk Fire began the afternoon of September 12th. I was filming with Westampton Township Emergancy Fire in New Jersey when the fire started. We watched the blaze take building after building on the big screen TV, I really wanted to filme this event when the call came in, the Assistant Chief was called out to set up the Staging Area, I jumped in the buggy with the Director of Operations and the Chief and off we went. We came into town, set-up the Staging area when Engine 28 from Westampton arrived, I jumped on-board with the crew and we headed towards the biggest fire I had ever filmed, and was the only one allowed to film on the Boardwalk; watch this one.

9-11 special

Our "9/11/11 Ground Zero Dedication Special" with Firefighters and 1st Responders from around the world who competed in the World Police and Fire Games held across New York City were in attendance to support the families of fallen firefighters.